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5 Ways the Anson Baptist Association

Can Help

Your Church


Many times, when a person comes to Christ, it is often the result of the witness of multiple people who speak or show God’s love to them at different times.  This example of God using multiple people to accomplish His work and will through the body of Christ reminds me of the association.  When our churches cooperate, or team up, they are able to do great things for the Kingdom of God! We can do more together for the kingdom of God than we can achieve in a single church!  Our association has so much potential!  Our county has so much need!  There is no way one church can meet all of the spiritual and physical needs of our county; but when we are led by the Spirit of God to do the will of God together with the people and churches of God, we can accomplish great things together for the glory of God!!


The mission of Anson Baptist Association is to resource, assist and inspire our churches to proclaim the Gospel and to make disciples who follow Jesus as Lord. In general, the association provides member churches with increased information and opportunities for involvement in training, fellowship, denominational and mission activities. This includes opportunities for hands on missions and evangelism involvement. Here are five ways that our association can help your church to accomplish its mission of reaching your community and Anson County for Christ.


1.  Provide Leadership Training Opportunities.  How does a church find a new pastor? How can I share my faith?  These questions and many others can be answered in training provided by the association. A few examples of the types of conferences and training that are available include:

  • Training for pastor search committees.

  • Deacon training

  • Discipleship training

  • Evangelism training

  • Best church financial practices

  • Basic parliamentary procedure for church conferences

  • Small groups/Sunday School training


2.  Assistance During Times of Transition.  When a pastor resigns, it can be a confusing and difficult time for a church.  The ABA can provide wise counsel, training for search committees, some names of people who supply (preach) or do interims, and even resumes of those currently looking to pastor.


3.  Church Revitalization and Replanting. With 8 out of 10 churches today plateaued or declining, there is great need in our churches for new life and renewal. The association can help with finding resources, training, advice and recommendations for revitalization consultants.


4.  Evangelism and Missions Training and Activities.  Our association can help your church with training, statistical information about who actually lives in your church field, and by organizing cooperative efforts to spread the Gospel to meet real human need right here in our county and abroad.


5.  Pastoral Care. Church members have their pastors to go to for help, prayer and encouragement during times of difficulty, but who does the pastor go to?  Our association is available to encourage the pastors and staffs of our churches as needed.  When churches are between pastors and have pastoral needs, the association can help. Please call us and let us pray for, serve and encourage you!


(Mark Dance’s article, “5 WAYS LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS HELP PASTORS,” was a resource for this article., accessed 02/20/20)

Anson Baptist Association

P. O. Box 958

2710 US 74

Wadesboro, NC 28170

Phone: (704) 694-2790




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