​​February Birthdays
Tracy Hickson – 4
Randy Swaringen – 27
Ronda Helms - 29
February 2025 Calendar
Feb 2: George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism, and Missions Sunday
Feb 3: 1 PM, Luncheon Meeting to learn more about the 5 & 2 Trade School Ministry.
Feb 4: 10:00 AM, ABA Mission Team Meeting
Feb. 6: 6:00 PM, ABA Policy & Proceeds Team
Feb 11: 6:30 PM, ABA Leadership Team Meeting
Feb 16: Focus on WMU Sunday
Feb 22: Disaster Relief Training, Edenton NC
Feb 23: Racial Reconciliation Sunday
Feb 28: 6:30 PM, ABA Pastor & WMU Directors Appreciation Dinner, Brown Creek BC
Anson Baptist
Association WMU
Appreciation Dinner
For Pastors WMU Leaders And Their Spouses
February 28, 2025
at 6:30 PM
Brown Creek Baptist Church
Please register by texting Ann Thomas at 704-695-4373 or emailing sannthomas51@gmail.com
Pray for the
South Africa:
Door Of Hope Mission Trip
Jan 30 – Feb 10, 2025
Pastor’s Luncheon
At the 5 & 2
Trade School
1017 Old Prison Camp Rd.
Polkton, NC 28135
February 3rd
For more information go to: https://5and2ti.org
US Representative, Rev. Mark Harris will also be speaking.
With David Ross
The great heroes of the Bible were basically normal, everyday, people, but two things stand out to me about them. First is their great faith. They believed God and trusted Him. Not only did they believe that God existed, but they trusted He was good and right. Next to their great faith is their great obedience. God spoke, and they obeyed. They didn’t have to think about whether or not they were going to trust and obey God. They obeyed God, usually immediately, or at least quickly, and did what God told them to do. When normal people have great faith and great obedience to the King of kings, they become great servants. Are you a great servant of God? Do you really trust God to be both good and right? Even when you don’t understand what He is doing? Even when you know there will be a high price to pay for obeying?
God has commanded us to share the good news of the gospel with a lost and hurting world (Mk 16:15), but we won’t even tell our families, our friends, our co-workers or our neighbors. I think we are so apathetic because:
We think that we have more time, but do we?
We don’t want to risk their scorn or rejection.
We don’t think about how horrible hell really is.
We hope someone else will do it.
We just don’t really care if they go to hell that much.
The Bible says, “…now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!” (1 Cor 6:2b)
May God so fill us with His love, grace and fear of hell, that we will boldly, but loving, share the good news of eternal life with those around us today, and stop putting it off.
Seeking God’s Loving Boldness,
Let’s Go Fishing for People!
Invite a friend to church to hear the gospel.
Give a friend a New Testament.
Ask a friend if you can pray for them.
The Union-Anson
Residency Project
Next Cohort Meeting, Feb. 18th
From 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Antioch Baptist Church
Speaker: Rodney Navey
A ministry of education and encouragement for new ministers. For more information or to sign up, go to: https://www.residencyproject.org/ or contact David Ross, revdwr76@gmail.com or (252) 396-1368.
Disciple-Making Conference
Feb. 25, 2025
The Summit Church (Capital Hills Campus) Raleigh, N.C.
Speaker: J.D. Greear
To register go to: https://brushfire.com/ncbaptist/events/590145
NC WMU Heck-Jones Offering
The Heck-Jones offering is named for Fannie E. S. Heck and Sallie Bailey Jones, two beloved leaders and founders of WMU of NC. They spent their lives serving God through the missions and ministries of WMU. Today the missions and ministries of WMU NC are supported entirely by your gifts to the Heck-Jones offering. Focus Week for Heck-Jones is Feb. 10th-16th, 2025. Focus Sunday is Feb. 16th, 2025. For more information go to: https://wmunc.org/giving/#anchor-1
Do you have exciting news that you want to share with your sister churches in the Anson Baptist Association? We would love to help you share it! Please turn in your information by the 15th of the previous month.
+Our work of rebuilding homes destroyed by hurricane Helene will be ongoing for several years. Would you help us to get people back in their homes through the ERR (Essential Rapid Repairs) Program? For more information, to register, or to serve, go to: https://www.helenerebuild.org/ or https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster-Relief/Hurricane-Helene
If you have questions please contact Paul Langston at 800.395.5102, ext. 5611 or plangston@ncbaptist.org. To volunteer in the rebuild ministry go to: https://baptistsonmission.org/helene-volunteer-rebuild .
ABA Help for Churches making Disaster Relief or Rebuild Trips
To assist a little with the expenses of churches and Baptist Men/Baptist On Mission groups who are doing disaster relief or rebuild trips, the Anson Association is offering up to $300 for each church's trip per year to help with their expenses (as long as the funds last). We only have a $1000 set aside for this ministry per year. Please keep in mind that it takes time for the ABA Missions Team to receive and process requests, and then to send it to the representative of the church. Please contact our office for more information or an application, at least two weeks before your trip. Thank you for your heart for missions, and your compassion for those in need!
We thank the following Churches for their financial support of the mission and ministry of the Anson Baptist Association in January 2025: Ansonville, Brown Creek, Calvary, Freedom, Gum Springs, Lilesville, Mineral Springs, Morven, Mt. Beulah, Mt. Zion, New Home, Peachland, Pleasant Grove, Polkton, Rocky Mount, & Victory
Anson County
Ministry Needs
The Anson Crisis Ministry need for February is corn. ACM needs volunteers to serve, and monetary donations are appreciated as well. Hours are Tuesday-Friday, 8 am until 1 pm. Margot Barnes is director and can be reached at 704-694-2445. You can access more information at: www.ansoncrisisministry.com.
HOPE Crisis Pregnancy Resource Center is asking for volunteers to serve as well as donations of diapers and wipes. They are located at 101 Moore’s Lake Road, Wadesboro, and can be reached at 704-690-6689. Rebekah Carpenter is the director. For additional information go to: http://hprc-anson.org .
Anson Domestic Violence Coalition is in need of cleaning and hygiene products for their clients. Also appreciated are gift cards that clients may use from Dollar General, Food Lion, or Visa card for gas. For assistance or information, reach out to Karen Baucom, director, at 704-694-4499.
Feed My Lambs provides food and clothing to the needy of our area. To volunteer in this ministry, donate, or seek assistance, please contact them at 704-695-1820 or PO Box 91, Wadesboro, NC 28170. Donations of canned and dry foods are accepted as well. To learn more about Feed My Lambs, you may go to https://www.feedmylambsnc.com/ . They are located at 2290 Hwy. 74 W, Wadesboro.
Burnsville Recreation & Learning Center welcomes volunteers and financial support. All donations are tax deductible. Volunteers can serve any day and any amount of time between 9 am and 1 pm, 7 days a week. Mentors are also needed to tutor children in reading and math from 4-5 in the afternoon. Others are needed with job-seeking tasks. If you can help, please contact Carol Smith, Director, at 704-778-7478. BRLC is located at 13349 Hwy. 742N, Polkton, NC, 28135.
Start Planning For…
Serve NC
August 2-9, 2025
March 22, 2025
Eastern Hills Baptist Church
4855 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Cost: $15
Parents are called to pass faith on to their children but often feel ill-equipped for this God-given mandate. This is evident in the number of young adults walking away from the church and their faith. It is time to change the Scorecard!
Register at: https://form.jotform.com/243373542972159
Deep Creek Christian
Academy is growing!
We’re excited to announce that we will be adding third grade for the 2025-2026 school year. If you’re passionate about education and shaping young lives, now is the perfect time to join our amazing team! Details below!
If you are wondering. Age 1 through grade 3. Grade schoolers are eligible for the Opportunity Scholarship…it pays the tuition. Chapel service every day. Let us know now if you’re interested in the teaching position or enrolling your Littles in our awesome school. We would love to give you a tour. Just reach out.