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Selecting Projects for my Church

Criteria for projects:

  • Do we have the people/skills to do the work?

  • Does it appeal to enough people?

  • Does it respond to human hurts and hopes?

  • Are there enough projects to involve 50 percent of our active members?

  • Can it be done in one day? (preferable but not absolute)

  • Do we have the resources to get the job done? (financial & human)

  • If not, can we get the resources to get the job done?


Where to discover needs:

  • Contact church members who are active in the community

  • Contact a nursing home in your community or where you have members living

  • Contact Social Services about the needs that they see and ask if they have any suggestions of how your church might help.

  • Contact a local school


Possible Ministry Ideas

  • Plant a garden for an elderly person or an assisted living facility

  • A Sunday School class or men’s group could build a wheelchair ramp

  • A youth group could lead a Backyard Bible Club

  • Install a family’s first hot-water heater

  • Make care packages or appreciation bags for soldiers overseas, police, first responders or teachers

  • Have an appreciation lunch or reception to honor firemen, policemen or school teachers

  • Paint a porch

  • Offer quarters to someone at the Laundromat

  • Have a Prayer walk

  • Serve lunch to the poor or homeless

  • Sponsor a blood drive

  • Organize a neighborhood block party

  • Nursing Home landscaping or cards for the residents. (Call and find out what their needs are)

  • Sewing or knitting: lap blankets for nursing home patients, blankets or hats for cancer patients, walker bags; or stuffed animals for Police or hospitals to give out to children in crisis.)

  • Public School (yard work, painting or cleaning, etc.) (Call and find out what their needs are)

  • Children Sports Clinic

  • Assemble Hygiene Kits

  • Baby Shower for Unwed Mother or Hope Crisis Pregnancy Ministry

  • Clothes Closet

  • Collect and Deliver Firewood

  • Deliver Lunches to the Homeless

  • Food Pantry Outreach

  • Free Car Care

  • Free Yard Sale

  • Serve Your Local Crisis Ministry (Anson Crisis, Feed My Lambs or Burnsville Learning Center)

  • Card Ministry. Send either a “thank you” note or a note of encouragement to public servants, police, first responders, hospital workers or teachers. Great project for all ages!!

  • Park Cleanup  


Children’s Projects

  • Collect School Supplies for Needy Children

  • Conduct a Backyard Bible Club

  • Volunteer for a project at a local school


 Elderly Projects

  • Choir Singing at Nursing Home

  • Deliver Bird Feeders to Nursing Home

  • Yard Work/Landscaping

  • Wheelchair Ramp Construction


Health Care Projects

  • Free Health Care Checks: Blood Pressure, Dental or Vision

  • Community Health Fair

  • Give Caregivers a Break

  • Organize a Blood Drive


Sports Projects

  • 1 Day Christian Sports Clinic or 1 Day Sports Tournament with trophies awarded to the winner and perhaps a banquet with a well-known Christian sports figure who will share the gospel.

  • Giving away free water or snacks at a community ball game.


Servant Evangelism Projects

  • Affirm Public Servants

  • Assemble Care Packages for Troops

  • Free Car Wash

  • Free Lawn Mowing

  • Laundry Mat Ministry

  • Water Evangelism (give bottles of water away with John 3:16 or a gospel message on them.)

  • Scripture distribution 

Anson Baptist Association

P. O. Box 958

2710 US 74

Wadesboro, NC 28170

Phone: (704) 694-2790




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