Selecting Projects for my Church
Criteria for projects:
Do we have the people/skills to do the work?
Does it appeal to enough people?
Does it respond to human hurts and hopes?
Are there enough projects to involve 50 percent of our active members?
Can it be done in one day? (preferable but not absolute)
Do we have the resources to get the job done? (financial & human)
If not, can we get the resources to get the job done?
Where to discover needs:
Contact church members who are active in the community
Contact a nursing home in your community or where you have members living
Contact Social Services about the needs that they see and ask if they have any suggestions of how your church might help.
Contact a local school
Possible Ministry Ideas
Plant a garden for an elderly person or an assisted living facility
A Sunday School class or men’s group could build a wheelchair ramp
A youth group could lead a Backyard Bible Club
Install a family’s first hot-water heater
Make care packages or appreciation bags for soldiers overseas, police, first responders or teachers
Have an appreciation lunch or reception to honor firemen, policemen or school teachers
Paint a porch
Offer quarters to someone at the Laundromat
Have a Prayer walk
Serve lunch to the poor or homeless
Sponsor a blood drive
Organize a neighborhood block party
Nursing Home landscaping or cards for the residents. (Call and find out what their needs are)
Sewing or knitting: lap blankets for nursing home patients, blankets or hats for cancer patients, walker bags; or stuffed animals for Police or hospitals to give out to children in crisis.)
Public School (yard work, painting or cleaning, etc.) (Call and find out what their needs are)
Children Sports Clinic
Assemble Hygiene Kits
Baby Shower for Unwed Mother or Hope Crisis Pregnancy Ministry
Clothes Closet
Collect and Deliver Firewood
Deliver Lunches to the Homeless
Food Pantry Outreach
Free Car Care
Free Yard Sale
Serve Your Local Crisis Ministry (Anson Crisis, Feed My Lambs or Burnsville Learning Center)
Card Ministry. Send either a “thank you” note or a note of encouragement to public servants, police, first responders, hospital workers or teachers. Great project for all ages!!
Park Cleanup
Children’s Projects
Collect School Supplies for Needy Children
Conduct a Backyard Bible Club
Volunteer for a project at a local school
Elderly Projects
Choir Singing at Nursing Home
Deliver Bird Feeders to Nursing Home
Yard Work/Landscaping
Wheelchair Ramp Construction
Health Care Projects
Free Health Care Checks: Blood Pressure, Dental or Vision
Community Health Fair
Give Caregivers a Break
Organize a Blood Drive
Sports Projects
1 Day Christian Sports Clinic or 1 Day Sports Tournament with trophies awarded to the winner and perhaps a banquet with a well-known Christian sports figure who will share the gospel.
Giving away free water or snacks at a community ball game.
Servant Evangelism Projects
Affirm Public Servants
Assemble Care Packages for Troops
Free Car Wash
Free Lawn Mowing
Laundry Mat Ministry
Water Evangelism (give bottles of water away with John 3:16 or a gospel message on them.)
Scripture distribution